Probably, yes. Over the Memorial Day Weekend, there was a mass shooting you have no doubt heard of in California. Not surprisingly, there was little noise about the shooting. Why? Because that’s what he do here in the good old USA – we shoot each other and as Joe the Plumber so eloquently put it:… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → California
The Power Reserved to the Several States
The Supreme Court of the United States, as you’ve no doubt heard by now, ruled a key section of the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional and ruled only on procedural grounds on California’s Proposition 8 case thus leaving marriage equality to the several states. While I do not necessarily agree that we should be leaving… Continue reading
Capital Punishment I
This is the first of a multi part series discussing capital punishment in this country, the history, the arguments for and against and an in depth look at the process of death qualifying a jury and how that process creates a biased jury. I will use facts, statistics and scientific studies to help make my… Continue reading