The slogan is fantastic, in every sense of the word. It generates feelings of nostalgia for the good times that have passed us by. It generates feelings of resentment that those times are now gone. But it also generates feelings of hope that the nostalgia we all dream of will one day return. Or does… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → Election
Judge Posner Defends Electoral College
Anyone who has ever been to law school knows of Judge Posner. He sits on the 7th Circuit bench and teaches at University of Chicago Law School. In an article here last week, Judge Posner defended the Electoral College. Here is an excerpt discussing swing states: The winner-take-all method of awarding electoral votes induces the… Continue reading
Election 2012
This is not a discussion of the results of the election of 2012; this is a discussion of my experience as a participant in the election of 2012. I served as a Democratic Poll Watcher. Most people don’t even know Poll Watchers exist so I’m not surprised if you missed us at your precinct. As… Continue reading
Go Vote!
Tomorrow is the big day. Tomorrow is election day. If you haven’t voted absentee or at one of the many early voting locations, tomorrow is your day to have your voice heard. Make your voice heard; go vote! The best national information can be found here. For those in the pivotal state of Florida, you can find… Continue reading
Do We Still Need the Electoral College?
This question has been posed for quite some time and roars its head during close elections and when a President loses the popular vote but still wins the Electoral College. This is an in depth discussion that could fill (and has filled) entire books. Let’s just look to see what the original intent was, why… Continue reading
Apathy is defined, in part, as a state of indifference, a lack of interest in or concern for things that others find moving or exciting. In other words, apathy is being in a constant state of neutrality. Kind of like the Swiss. I had lunch with a very good friend today. This person is one… Continue reading