Stop me if you’ve heard this before: Gay marriage is not legal! You can’t force me to accept gay marriage, that’s a violation of my Constitutional rights! I have the right to associate or not and I don’t want to associate with those people! I’m certain you have heard those or similar comments at some… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → Same-sex marriage
Tolerance: a fair, objective, and permissive attitude toward those whose opinions, practices, race, religion, nationality, etc., differ from one’s own; freedom from bigotry. I think that is a fair and widely accepted definition of tolerance. Nowhere in that definition is any mention of having to accept a differing viewpoint. Tolerance is simply acknowledging the right… Continue reading
The Power Reserved to the Several States
The Supreme Court of the United States, as you’ve no doubt heard by now, ruled a key section of the Defense of Marriage Act unconstitutional and ruled only on procedural grounds on California’s Proposition 8 case thus leaving marriage equality to the several states. While I do not necessarily agree that we should be leaving… Continue reading
Purpose of Marriage
If the purpose of a marriage is to produce offspring, what about barren women? What about sterile men? Should these people not be allowed to marry or be forced to divorce because they are unable to produce offspring? How are these people any different from any other type of couple incapable of reproducing? They are… Continue reading
Sanctity of Marriage
We must protect the sanctity of marriage! Sound familiar? It seems to be the constant rhetoric of those who wish to live without equal rights for all. For some reason, a 50% divorce rate and infidelity within marriage creates some sort of sanctity with which we dare not mess. Florida is dragging its feet on… Continue reading
Gay Couples Pay More in Taxes
When a married couple files jointly, there are deductions available to them that are unavailable to people filing as a single. It also saves money as a couple filing jointly only has to prepare one return instead of two. Gay marriage is legal in nine states and the District of Columbia. MarketWatch discusses this issue: Much… Continue reading