The Ultimate Punishment has No Place in a Flawed Justice System

The United States justice system is flawed. Period. Show me someone who truly believes that no one in this country has ever been wrongfully convicted and I will show you someone with no concept of reality. Wrongful convictions happen all too frequently. Witnesses are confused. Prosecutors withhold evidence. Defense counsel is inadequate. The jury doesn’t… Continue reading

Maryland is 18th State to Ban Capital Punishment

It’s no secret I adamantly oppose capital punishment. Our justice system is not precise enough to allow the ultimate the punishment, the only punishment that, once carried out, cannot be given any sort of reparation. The statistics showing wrongfully convicted in our judicial system are astounding and should be sufficient to convince any logical thinking individual that… Continue reading

Capital Punishment VIII

The history of Capital Punishment here and here. The process of death qualifying a jury here. The bias created by death qualifying a jury here and here. The State of Massachusetts Report of the Governor’s Council here and here.   There are an infinite number of arguments both for and against capital punishment. Morality, religion and vengeance can all be used to argue either for… Continue reading

Capital Punishment VII

The history of Capital Punishment here and here. The process of death qualifying a jury here. The bias created by death qualifying a jury here and here. The State of Massachusetts Report of the Governor’s Council here.   The problem with the Council’s recommendation, absent a shadow jury, is that if the first jury finds the defendant guilty, then the second jury basically… Continue reading

Capital Punishment VI

The history of Capital Punishment here and here. The process of death qualifying a jury here. The bias created by death qualifying a jury here and here.   The State of Massachusetts tackled the issue of death qualification. According to the Report of the Governor’s Council, Governor Romney stressed two main issues: first, “capital punishment should be limited to a narrowly… Continue reading