Let’s discuss capital punishment again. As I’ve said before, revenge is not justice and I cannot fathom condemning a person to die using a flawed justice system. Ann Coulter published a piece that I read… in horror. Read the article for yourself but it is clear Ms. Coulter is making light of people being executed…. Continue reading
Post Category → National
Temperature on Mars is the same as Earth
Who knew?! According to Kentucky legislators, we’re all screwed! As you (Energy & Environment Cabinet official) sit there in your chair with your data, we sit up here in our with our data and our constituents and stuff behind us. I don’t want to get into the debate about climate change, but I will simply… Continue reading
There are times in every person’s life where they look back and think about what could have been. We all take time to ponder the road not taken. This self reflection is a good thing; it allows us to realize that, while what we have might not be perfect, every step in our life has… Continue reading
Visiting Florida? Bring Your Gun
I have a word of caution for those considering a visit to Florida and even those of us who live here: the NRA is winning. As most everyone is aware, Florida has a “shoot first ask questions later” law. This law allows people to shoot someone if they feel threatened. This new “warning shot” bill… Continue reading
Homosexuality is the Same as Alcoholism
The traditional conservative viewpoint is that people choose to be gay. It appears the GOP has improved its stance on the issue. No longer do people choose to be gay. According to the GOP and Governor Rick Perry, people can desire to not be gay and therefore, not be gay. Simple as that. Governor Perry… Continue reading
Death Row
Today is not about politics. Well, in a way. Today is about my experience on death row, not as an inmate, rather, as a visitor. I promise no political opinion or argument; just a story about my experience on death row. There are certain events in a person’s life they don’t easily forget. A trip… Continue reading
Gun Control and Compromise: Impossible?
Probably, yes. Over the Memorial Day Weekend, there was a mass shooting you have no doubt heard of in California. Not surprisingly, there was little noise about the shooting. Why? Because that’s what he do here in the good old USA – we shoot each other and as Joe the Plumber so eloquently put it:… Continue reading
Wrapped in a Bow? Global Warming!
“Global Warming is the gift that keeps on giving to the leftist. This is why he will never give it up.” Jack Kerwick closes his article on Townhall with this quote. To say that people on the left who accept global warming for the fact that it is are excited about it because it provides… Continue reading
Millions of Jobs
Last Saturday at the Freedom Summit in New Hampshire, Senator Rand Paul posed a question: “When is the last time in our country we created millions of jobs?” That is an interesting question, the answer of which would show how the economy is progressing and how policies impact job production. Mr. Paul’s answer? “It was… Continue reading
Taxes are too Damn High!
Actually, they’re not. The Congressional Budget Office recently released a report showing the distribution of income in 2010. It takes a couple of years to compile all the data so more recent tax years are not yet available. The overall trend of tax rates is downward, contrary to what you might be hearing elsewhere. The… Continue reading