It is no secret I oppose capital punishment. I don’t oppose it because I don’t believe the guilty should pay for their crimes. I do oppose it because revenge is not justice. I oppose it because it is the ultimate punishment that is carried out far too easily in a flawed justice system. We have… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → Capital punishment
Capital Punishment is not Funny
Let’s discuss capital punishment again. As I’ve said before, revenge is not justice and I cannot fathom condemning a person to die using a flawed justice system. Ann Coulter published a piece that I read… in horror. Read the article for yourself but it is clear Ms. Coulter is making light of people being executed…. Continue reading
Death Row
Today is not about politics. Well, in a way. Today is about my experience on death row, not as an inmate, rather, as a visitor. I promise no political opinion or argument; just a story about my experience on death row. There are certain events in a person’s life they don’t easily forget. A trip… Continue reading
Ah, But that’s what I’m Talking About
I recently participated in a discussion on capital punishment, the history, legal implications and moral issues. I quickly came to realize that some participants had no clue about the topic and yet, they still wanted to be relevant participants. Deflection! I made a point on morality and how I believe in the old adage, it’s… Continue reading
The Ultimate Punishment has No Place in a Flawed Justice System
The United States justice system is flawed. Period. Show me someone who truly believes that no one in this country has ever been wrongfully convicted and I will show you someone with no concept of reality. Wrongful convictions happen all too frequently. Witnesses are confused. Prosecutors withhold evidence. Defense counsel is inadequate. The jury doesn’t… Continue reading
Speedier Executions?
Florida leads the country in death row exonerations. It certainly makes sense that Representative Matt Gaetz would prefer to make executions quicker. Anyone who can think should come to the conclusion that is quite the opposite result a logical thinking person would come to. If Florida has such a problem obtaining correct verdicts in capital… Continue reading
Maryland is 18th State to Ban Capital Punishment
It’s no secret I adamantly oppose capital punishment. Our justice system is not precise enough to allow the ultimate the punishment, the only punishment that, once carried out, cannot be given any sort of reparation. The statistics showing wrongfully convicted in our judicial system are astounding and should be sufficient to convince any logical thinking individual that… Continue reading
Arkansas Republican says Unruly Children should be put to Death
Yes, that title is correct. There is one former state representative who thinks disobedient children should receive the death penalty. The same individual, former state Representative Charlie Fuqua, who is currently looking to return to the Arkansas state house, also said that all muslims should be deported from the United States and that most Americans… Continue reading
Deciding Cases is Easy for Justice Scalia
“The death penalty? Give me a break. It’s easy. Abortion? Absolutely easy. Nobody ever thought the Constitution prevented restrictions on abortion. Homosexual sodomy? Come on. For 200 years, it was criminal in every state.” Justice Scalia made these remarks last week at the American Enterprise Institute. Justice Scalia has always described himself as a textualist…. Continue reading
Capital Punishment I
This is the first of a multi part series discussing capital punishment in this country, the history, the arguments for and against and an in depth look at the process of death qualifying a jury and how that process creates a biased jury. I will use facts, statistics and scientific studies to help make my… Continue reading