The last time we had a government shutdown, nearly 18 years ago, it lasted 21 days. Chris Cillizza and Sean Sullivan seem to think the shutdown is not going to end soon: Putting aside the rhetoric, Boehner and Obama have not spoken since a brief conversation Monday evening and Boehner and Reid aren’t speaking either…. Continue reading
Posts Tagged → John Boehner
We Don’t Negotiate with… Presidents?
Recently re-elected as Speaker of the House, Speaker Boehner has decided it is the best policy to take unilateral action in the Republican controlled House. That’s okay, though; that’s usually what occurs. What doesn’t ordinarily occur is for the Speaker to remove the President from negotiations. The influential editorial page of TheWall Street Journal on Wednesday urged… Continue reading
Will the GOP Compromise on Taxes?
No. At least not according to CNN. The GOP wants to keep the Bush tax cuts in place, failing to realize that’s part of the reason we’re in the economic situation we’re currently experiencing. Democrats took the GOP counter offer to mean that tax reform cannot result in any marginal rates higher than current law,… Continue reading
What Now?
Did your guy lose? Did your guy win? Did you not have a guy? The election of 2012 is finally over and we have a similar setup inside the Beltway. But, with a country that is quite clearly so divided, what do we do now? We start by finding things we agree on. Why? Because… Continue reading