Will the GOP Compromise on Taxes?

No. At least not according to CNN. The GOP wants to keep the Bush tax cuts in place, failing to realize that’s part of the reason we’re in the economic situation we’re currently experiencing.

Democrats took the GOP counter offer to mean that tax reform cannot result in any marginal rates higher than current law, according to the source, who said Boehner’s proposal was a “sign” to Democrats that “Boehner and the GOP are unwilling or unable to do any sort of deal that can pass the Senate or be signed by the president.”

In other words, the Republicans are unwilling to budge. What about compromise? I guess that’s a four letter word.

A Republican source insists the White House may have misinterpreted the latest GOP offer, since Boehner’s offer includes tax reform down the road, which would render anything permanent moot.

I highly doubt the White House is willing to accept tax reform down the road. But, what about compromise, you might say. That’s not compromise. That’s trading for a player now with a player to be named later. That’s one sided compromise (so, not compromise) promising to maybe provide something down the road that the Democrats won’t hate. In contract law, that’s failing to perform. This is a give and take, much like a relationship where you learn to work together toward a common goal.

It’s not like this is an unpopular stance by the president either. Both ABC and Bloomberg have polls out showing greater support for the president’s position than that of Republicans. For whatever reason, the GOP is unwilling to move from its stance that the Bush tax cuts should remain in place. The American people obviously don’t agree so polling isn’t the reason. What is? Maybe it’s because the GOP campaign checks are signed by the 2%. Maybe.


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Bryan is the founder of 2 Rights Make a Left. While obtaining his J.D., Bryan researched and wrote extensively on Capital Punishment, an issue that remains close to his heart to this day. He has spent the majority of his adult life involved in politics in some form or another. Bryan spends most of his time reading, writing and discussing all things politics. Bryan loves to travel and, if he had his way, would constantly be jetting off to another destination. The rest of his time is spent following his beloved Bears, Bulls and Cubbies.

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