I have a stable job. I have a decent paycheck. I enjoy my colleagues. I enjoy my work. Well, some days. Despite all that, I’m about to jump off the proverbial cliff. I’m not sure I should quote Thought Catalog but I could find no better words: You get nothing from being comfortable. You get nothing from… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → Democratic Party
President Obama isn’t that Liberal
Contrary to popular belief (read: Fox News), President Obama isn’t all that liberal. In fact, he’s most aligned with former Senator, and great man, Tom Daschle. Why does President Obama seem so liberal? Well, to those that think, he doesn’t. But, to others, he seems so liberal because the right wing has become so radically… Continue reading
Will the GOP Compromise on Taxes?
No. At least not according to CNN. The GOP wants to keep the Bush tax cuts in place, failing to realize that’s part of the reason we’re in the economic situation we’re currently experiencing. Democrats took the GOP counter offer to mean that tax reform cannot result in any marginal rates higher than current law,… Continue reading
Pregnancy After Rape is God’s Will
Another member of the GOP is at it again. Republican Senate candidate from Indiana Richard Mourdock said in a debate that “when life begins in that horrible situation of rape, that is something God intended to happen.” I certainly don’t expect reasonable and logical thoughts to come from a man who defines bipartisanship as “Democrats… Continue reading