I have a stable job. I have a decent paycheck. I enjoy my colleagues. I enjoy my work. Well, some days. Despite all that, I’m about to jump off the proverbial cliff.
I’m not sure I should quote Thought Catalog but I could find no better words:
You get nothing from being comfortable. You get nothing from settling, you get nothing from staying put, you get nothing from “fine.” There is nothing wrong with comfortable, but don’t expect it to move you, don’t expect it to make you better, don’t expect evolution or growth. To become something more than you are, you must do something more than you’ve done.
So that, my friends, is why I’m embarking on a new adventure. Why am I telling you and why do you care? Because I won’t be able to write until after these midterm elections. I’ve accepted a position with the Charlie Crist for Governor campaign and, as anyone who has ever worked on campaigns will tell you, there isn’t time for anything else.
But fear not! I’ll be back soon enough to talk about all those progressive issues so many people want to argue over.
You get nothing from being content and comfortable, right? Onward and upward.
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Surround yourself with these people not because it will feel easy, or comfortable, or even safe. Surround yourself with these people because they are the ones that will electrify you, will make you feel the blood in your veins, will remind you that there is something bigger out there and you need to go get it.