I have a stable job. I have a decent paycheck. I enjoy my colleagues. I enjoy my work. Well, some days. Despite all that, I’m about to jump off the proverbial cliff. I’m not sure I should quote Thought Catalog but I could find no better words: You get nothing from being comfortable. You get nothing from… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → United States
Gun Control and Compromise: Impossible?
Probably, yes. Over the Memorial Day Weekend, there was a mass shooting you have no doubt heard of in California. Not surprisingly, there was little noise about the shooting. Why? Because that’s what he do here in the good old USA – we shoot each other and as Joe the Plumber so eloquently put it:… Continue reading
Millions of Jobs
Last Saturday at the Freedom Summit in New Hampshire, Senator Rand Paul posed a question: “When is the last time in our country we created millions of jobs?” That is an interesting question, the answer of which would show how the economy is progressing and how policies impact job production. Mr. Paul’s answer? “It was… Continue reading
Gun Control
An article on Townhall addressed the Stand Your Ground laws. “An individual’s right to possess a firearm to defend one’s self is guaranteed unequivocally in the Second Amendment to our Constitution.” Actually, it only says that if you remove several words. The Second Amendment starts with, “A well regulated militia…” I don’t think the framers… Continue reading
Spread the Wealth
Apparently, if you spread the wealth, you improve the economy. According to the International Monetary Fund, inequality is actually bad for economic growth. Furthermore, redistribute policies are actually beneficial to an economy. Who knew?! Apparently, lots of economists knew all along. From the IMF report: In sum, then, inequality remains harmful for growth, even when… Continue reading
The Gunshine State
Most people think the nickname of Florida is the Sunshine State. Unfortunately, America’s appendage is more accurately described as the Gunshine State. You see, in Florida, if the legislature attempts to reduce gun rights, the NRA and its members go nuts. Of course, they were probably nuts already. Florida is very, very gun friendly. Recently,… Continue reading
Slower Traffic Keep Right
Okay Florida, listen up! Slower traffic keep right! This means, unless you are passing someone, you should not be in the left lane. It’s actually against the law: (1) Upon all roadways of sufficient width, a vehicle shall be driven upon the right half of the roadway, except as follows: (a) When overtaking and passing… Continue reading
State of the Union 2014
President Obama delivers the State of the Union tomorrow night, January 28, at 9p. Will you watch? Or, better yet, will you react? We’re constantly talking about making a difference, being the change not just discussing the change. Here’s your chance. Last week, I received an email from one of the Ruck.us founders, Nathan Daschle,… Continue reading
Life isn’t fair. And you know what? That’s okay! But, if we can do something, anything to make life a little less unfair and it comes at a very low cost, why not? Every attorney knows evidence rule 403: is the probative value of the evidence being offered substantially outweighed by unfair prejudice. Simply, it’s… Continue reading
Vacation is wonderful. Spending vacations with family is… well, it’s wonderful, too! I’m presently on a cruise with my family having a wonderful time. So, instead of politics this week, here’s an old article I wrote about vacation: Vacation is necessary. Everyone needs time away from the grind to recharge. For some, that means… Continue reading