Last Saturday at the Freedom Summit in New Hampshire, Senator Rand Paul posed a question: “When is the last time in our country we created millions of jobs?” That is an interesting question, the answer of which would show how the economy is progressing and how policies impact job production. Mr. Paul’s answer? “It was… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → Republican
Social Issues and the GOP
While there is much discussion and concern (rightfully so) over economic issues, it is not disputed that the GOP lost last year’s election, in part, because of social issues. Many on the right have been slamming the GOP for not paying close enough attention to the social issues. Twenty years ago there was a wide… Continue reading
No More Political Middle
I don’t think I need to tell anyone that the United States is divided. We are more divided than we were twenty years ago and it is not the fault of one individual or one party. Bill McInturff of Public Opinion Strategies, put together a wonderful piece showing the ideological distribution of Republican and Democratic… Continue reading
Reasonable People Compromise
Yes, yes they do. Compromise is a part of life. Compromise occurs every day in your relationships with your significant other, your friends and even strangers. Compromise is not a bad thing: without it, our society would crumble. If everyone was stubborn and refused to compromise, things wouldn’t work, nothing would get done. Wait… isn’t… Continue reading
Faith and the GOP
As we careen toward a government shutdown, I want to briefly address a related issue: the GOP and its obsession with faith. It is not a bad thing to have faith. I tend to think it grants people time for self reflection. But, the Republican party claims to be a party of religious people and… Continue reading
We Don’t Always have to Agree
Really, we don’t. And that’s okay. In fact, I think it’s desirable. Most certainly, we don’t have to agree across party lines, but that’s not even what I’m referring to here. I’m referring to not having to agree with people within your own party or ideology. That’s also okay and, again, desirable because it shows you… Continue reading
Time for Congress to Work
Prior to the August recess, the House GOP majority made its final act attempting to repeal Obamacare. Deja vu? Yes, because this is the 40th time the GOP led House has attempted to repeal the legislation. Just like the previous 39 attempts, the GOP knows this has no chance of success. And yet, they still… Continue reading
Get Marriage out of Government
People who know me well know that I have a rather Libertarian view on marriage: it shouldn’t exist as a government term. Simply put, if you want to have a religious ceremony with your partner, opposite or same sex, that is up to your particular religion and church. Marriage has always been a religious ceremony…. Continue reading
We Don’t Negotiate with… Presidents?
Recently re-elected as Speaker of the House, Speaker Boehner has decided it is the best policy to take unilateral action in the Republican controlled House. That’s okay, though; that’s usually what occurs. What doesn’t ordinarily occur is for the Speaker to remove the President from negotiations. The influential editorial page of TheWall Street Journal on Wednesday urged… Continue reading
Liberalism is not a Myth
John Hawkins, founder of Right Wing News, has been a strong conservative voice for over a decade. I enjoy reading his articles because he provides thought provoking ideas, though I tend to disagree with many of them. Last week, he wrote two articles for TownHall, where he is a weekly contributor. Five Myths Liberals Have… Continue reading