If the American Electorate does like the policies of the Barack Obama administration, why was he reelected? There are two schools of thought on this: 1) people liked Governor Romney even less or 2) people were smart enough to realize that you can’t fix things in four years. Some people most certainly did not feel… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → Romney
Election 2012
This is not a discussion of the results of the election of 2012; this is a discussion of my experience as a participant in the election of 2012. I served as a Democratic Poll Watcher. Most people don’t even know Poll Watchers exist so I’m not surprised if you missed us at your precinct. As… Continue reading
Liberals Should Vote Romney because he has Executive Experience
Last week, John Ransom of Townhall discussed the four reasons why a liberal should vote for Governor Romney. I’d like to take a look at reason number one. “Romney has successful executive experience that Obama lacks. One of the most legitimate complaints regarding Obama is that he doesn’t know how to make decisions or even… Continue reading
Does Anyone Care About Newspaper Endorsements?
There may have been a time in history when newspaper endorsements mattered. Maybe because news travelled slowly and people relied on a trusted source. Maybe newspaper endorsements were more useful in a time when newspapers were more partisan. This world we live in now has 24 hour news channels and the internet. So, you know,… Continue reading
The Second Presidential Debate
“What Governor Romney said just isn’t true.” Finally! The President came out in the second debate in much better form than the first. The President was more engaged and more assertive. Governor Romney was also engaging but it was the President who had a hill to climb because of his lackluster performance in the first… Continue reading
The First Debate
Contrary to what I previously suggested, the first presidential debate actually turned out to be not as much of a joint press conference as they have been in the past. By no means, however, did it reach the threshold of an actual debate. Governor Romney came out swinging, a strange move for him. President Obama… Continue reading
29: the number of electoral votes the voters of Florida have at their disposal. Florida is crucial this year. Florida is crucial in many elections but it may never be more crucial than it is this year, 2012. According to electionprojection.com, Florida is the 25th most conservative state. That puts us, quite literally, right… Continue reading
This is a rare evening post but I felt so compelled to write and you’ll soon see why. I don’t think it’s any great secret that I prefer MSNBC. I watch in the evening and I listen on XM while in the car. Today, I was listening to Martin Bashir. Earlier today, a report surfaced… Continue reading
Swing State Polls
In a poll by Quinnipiac/NY Times/CBS released on September 26, it appears the Romney/Ryan campaign has some ground to make up. Among likely voters, President Obama holds a commanding lead in three key states: Florida (53-44); Ohio (53-43); Pennsylvania (54-42). People were polled September 18-25. One of the most staggering stats, and one Governor Romney… Continue reading
A US Ambassador and three others were killed in an attack on the US Embassy in Benghazi. This is not a time to play politics. Apparently, the Republicans did not get that memo. Just hours after the attack, Governor Romney held a press conference in Jacksonville in between campaign stops. At the press conference, Governor… Continue reading