I was diagnosed with leukemia. I found out I only have a 20 percent chance of surviving. I found this wonderful doctor and a great health care plan. I was doing fairly well fighting the cancer, fighting the leukemia, and then I received a letter. My insurance was canceled because of Obamacare. Now, the out-of-pocket… Continue reading
Posts Tagged → Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Fox News Gets it Wrong
This shouldn’t come as much of a surprise to anyone as Fox News rarely uses facts in its “reporting.” Eric Stern over at Salon did a great job of showing the bias on Fox and how misleading the network actually is, especially one show. I happened to turn on the Hannity show on Fox New last… Continue reading
Shutdown Deal
But is it really? While Republicans seemingly lost their grandstanding effort to stop Obamacare, the Tea Party effort to slash spending at the fastest rate since World War II continues. The shutdown deal only kicks the can down the road. We’re going to be in this same boat in mid January and by mid March,… Continue reading
Reasonable People Compromise
Yes, yes they do. Compromise is a part of life. Compromise occurs every day in your relationships with your significant other, your friends and even strangers. Compromise is not a bad thing: without it, our society would crumble. If everyone was stubborn and refused to compromise, things wouldn’t work, nothing would get done. Wait… isn’t… Continue reading
Government Shutdown not Likely to End Soon
The last time we had a government shutdown, nearly 18 years ago, it lasted 21 days. Chris Cillizza and Sean Sullivan seem to think the shutdown is not going to end soon: Putting aside the rhetoric, Boehner and Obama have not spoken since a brief conversation Monday evening and Boehner and Reid aren’t speaking either…. Continue reading
Ted Cruz and his Not Filibuster
Senator Cruz accomplished his goal with his not filibuster: catapulting himself to the top of the list of Republican 2016 Presidential nominees. He spoke for twenty one hours not citing any coherent reasons for not funding Obamacare. He actually had another hour where he could have stayed to speak but he had to leave so… Continue reading
Time for Congress to Work
Prior to the August recess, the House GOP majority made its final act attempting to repeal Obamacare. Deja vu? Yes, because this is the 40th time the GOP led House has attempted to repeal the legislation. Just like the previous 39 attempts, the GOP knows this has no chance of success. And yet, they still… Continue reading
Why a Second Term?
If the American Electorate does like the policies of the Barack Obama administration, why was he reelected? There are two schools of thought on this: 1) people liked Governor Romney even less or 2) people were smart enough to realize that you can’t fix things in four years. Some people most certainly did not feel… Continue reading
“Under the President’s plan, he cuts Medicare by $716 billion, takes that money out of the Medicare trust fund and uses it to pay for Obamacare.” Governor Romney continues the attacks on Medicare, attempting to scare the seniors, especially those in Florida, to vote for him because the President is going to take away their… Continue reading